Travel Tips

Top 25 Oldest Cities in Europe

Old cities are the best cities. They are charming and full of history. However, they can be hard to find on your own when traveling. In this article, we will talk about 25 most ancient European cities.

What are the oldest cities in Europe?

The oldest cities in Europe are believed to be founded in the Neolithic era, around 8000 BC. These cities include Çatalhöyük, an archaeological site in Anatolia that is considered to be one of the earliest human settlements, and Uruk, a Sumerian city that was one of the most important early civilizations. Other ancient European cities include Troy, which was a major city in Greece and home to the legendary Trojan War; Mycenae, which was a major city in Greece and home to the Mycenaean civilization; and Pompeii, which was a major city in Italy and home to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Many of Europe’s oldest cities are located in Italy, including Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan. Other notable ancient European cities include Athens, Barcelona, Prague, Edinburgh, and Kiev.

How do you calculate an age of a city?

There is no one definitive way to calculate the age of a city. Generally, cities are considered old if they have been around for more than 500 years. However, there is no set rule for how long a city must have been around for to be considered old. In some cases, a city may only be considered old if it has a significant history. Additionally, a city may be considered old even if it is not currently the oldest city in its country or region. Some factors that can help determine the age of a city include its architecture, the population size, and the type of economy that the city functions under. It can also be helpful to look at archaeological evidence, such as ruins and statues. By using these and other factors, it is possible to calculate the age of a city quite accurately.

Top 10 Oldest Cities in Europe

1. Constantinople (Istanbul) – first settled in 330 BC 2. Rome – first settled in 753 BC 3. Paris – first settled in about 1250 BC 4. Madrid – first settled in the 8th century AD 5. Prague – first settled in the 10th century AD 6. Amsterdam – first settled in the 12th century AD 7. Vienna – first settled in the 12th century AD 8. Glasgow – first settled in the 14th century AD 9. Liverpool – first settled in the 15th century AD 10. Bruges-First settled in the 8th century

Bottom 10 Oldest Cities in Europe

1. Constantinople (Istanbul) – founded by Constantine the Great in 324 AD 2. Rome – founded by Romulus in 753 BC 3. London – founded by the Romans in 43 AD 4. Barcelona – founded by the Phoenicians in 801 BC 5. Paris – founded by the Gauls in 50 BC 6. Madrid – founded by the Romans in 1248 AD 7. Vienna – founded by the Hapsburgs in 1276 AD 8. Prague – founded by the Hussites in 1419 AD 9. Warsaw – founded by the Poles in 1573 AD 10. Amsterdam – founded by the Dutch in 1609

Top 25 Oldest Cities in Europe

1. The city of Constantinople, Turkey was founded by Constantine the Great in 324 AD and became the capital of the Byzantine Empire. 2. The city of Rome, Italy was founded by Romulus in 753 BC and became the capital of the Roman Republic. 3. The city of Kiev, Ukraine was founded by Prince Volodymyr in 1054 AD and became the capital of the Grand Duchy of Kiev. 4. The city of Prague, Czech Republic was founded by King Wenceslas I in 1257 AD and became the capital of Bohemia. 5. The city of Basel, Switzerland was founded by Duke Ulrich Zwingli in 1432 AD and became the capital of Basel-Country. 6. The city of Lyon, France was founded by Jean de Béthencourt in 1248 AD and became the capital of Lyon County. 7. The city of Marseille, France was founded by Phocaeans on the island of Melita in 600 BC and became the capital of Provence-Corsica. 8. The city of Nuremberg, Germany was founded by Frederick I Barbarossa in 1180 AD and became the capital of Fran