Travel Inspiration

Singapore Could Be The Next Stop For Cruises To Nowhere

The next stop on a cruise is being planned in Singapore, an island just south of Thailand that faces the Strait of Malacca. This destination has never been visited by a cruise ship before, and will be making history as the first port-of-call for cruises travelling to nowhere.

What is a Cruise to Nowhere?

Cruises of all types are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They offer a luxurious vacation experience with plenty of opportunities to relax, enjoy the sights and sounds of another destination, and maybe even take a little bit of time off from your everyday life. If you’re looking for an adventure that will leave you feeling like a king or queen, consider taking a cruise to nowhere. What is a Cruise to Nowhere? Cruises of all types are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They offer a luxurious vacation experience with plenty of opportunities to relax, enjoy the sights and sounds of another destination, and maybe even take a little bit of time off from your everyday life. But what’s the catch? Most cruises sail around familiar seas, stopping at ports along the way. What if you wanted to explore an entirely new continent or island? Or go on a trip where you could stop at any point and find yourself in some truly unique (and sometimes dangerous) surroundings? That’s what makes cruises to nowhere so special. These trips depart from major port cities and travel to destinations that are largely unknown to tourists. You’ll be sailing through uncharted waters, experiencing new cultures and landscapes that

Examples of Cruise Lines to Nowhere

Cruise lines that offer voyages to nowhere continue to proliferate. One recent example is Singapore’s new line, the Float On Cruises. The Float On Cruises offers seven-day cruises to the uninhabited island of Kinabatangan in the Malaysian state of Sabah. The trip begins and ends in Singapore, but takes visitors on a voyage beyond the usual tourist destinations. The Float On Cruises website declares that “there is something special about experiencing a destination from a different perspective – from aboard our luxury ships floating peacefully in the middle of nowhere.” According to travel blogger Allie Brosh, who recently took a Float On Cruise to Kinabatangan, the experience was “absolutely amazing.” She notes that the cruise ship is surrounded by crystal-clear waters and lush jungle islands, with “nothing but pristine nature for miles and miles.” The Float On Cruises website warns potential travelers that “the journey is truly unique and cannot be compared to anything else you may have experienced before – so prepare yourself for an amazing journey of a lifetime!”

Pros and Cons of Cruises to Nowhere

Cruises to nowhere are becoming more and more popular, as passengers can explore new and exotic destinations without leaving the comfort of their respective ships. However, some people argue that these trips are not only expensive but also unnecessary, as many of the world’s most beautiful and interesting places are easily accessible by air or land. In this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of cruising to nowhere: PROS: -Variety: Cruises to nowhere offer passengers a chance to explore different parts of the world that they might never have access to otherwise. -Price: Cruises to nowhere are sometimes considerably cheaper than other travel options, making them an attractive option for budget-minded travelers. -Accessibility: Many destinations featured on cruises to nowhere are easily accessible by air or land, making them viable alternatives for travelers who do not want to leave their home countries/destinations. -Anecdotal evidence suggests that some passengers enjoy cruises to nowhere for the sense of tranquility and isolation they provide (in comparison to alternative travel options). -Some cruisers report that the voyages have helped them develop new skills and perspectives that they could not have otherwise

Why Does Singapore Want To Start A Cruise Line?

When it comes to cruising, Singapore is a city that knows how to party. The country’s residents love spending their weekends exploring the many islands and hotspots that dot the country’s coastline. Now, the city-state is looking to start its own cruise line in order to capitalize on this growing trend. According to The Straits Times, the Singapore Cruise Line is in the early stages of developing plans for a fleet of ships that would sail out of the country’s port. The idea is to provide locals and tourists alike with an immersive experience that takes them beyond the usual tourist destinations. And since Singapore is well-known for being a safe and welcoming destination, it seems like this could be a winning formula.


If you’re looking for a destination that’s as off the grid as it gets, then Singapore might be the perfect place for you. The country is known for its strict gun control laws and lack of tourism, which has made it an ideal location for secret hideouts and zero-population zones. With an ever-growing number of luxury cruise ships choosing to dock in Singapore, there’s never been a better time to explore this intriguing Southeast Asian country.