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29 Oldest Cities in Africa: A Brief History of Their Origins

This article discusses the origins of 29 ancient cities in Africa. The article begins by discussing how many of these cities are no longer villages or towns, but cities with populations in the millions and over a million people. There is also a brief history of the origins and founding of each city.


Oldest Cities in Africa have a long and varied history. Some of the oldest cities in Africa date back to before the time of Christ, while others were founded much later. This article will provide a brief history of the origins of some of the oldest cities in Africa. Nairobi is the oldest city in Africa, and it is also the largest city in that continent. It was founded in 1894 by Sir Richard Mutharika, who was the first Prime Minister of Kenya. Nairobi is located in Kenya’s Central Province, and it has a population of over 1.3 million people. Khartoum is the second oldest city in Africa, and it was also the capital of Sudan from 1907 to 1985. Khartoum was founded by the Musa family, who are believed to be descendants of Prophet Muhammad. Today, Khartoum has a population of over three million people and is located in Sudan’s Khartoum State. Abuja is the third oldest city in Africa and it was also the capital of Nigeria from 1960 until 1999. Abuja was founded by British colonists in 1842 and it had a population of over one million people

The Ancient Egyptian Footprint

One of the oldest cities in Africa is Ancient Egyptian city of Memphis. Memphis was founded around 3,500 BC by the ancient Egyptians. At its peak, it had a population of over 1 million people. The city’s original name was ‘the city of the god Ptah.’ Ptah was the god of creation and he is responsible for the construction of most of ancient Egyptian monuments and tombs. Memphis was also home to the first hieroglyphic writing system. Other ancient African cities that are considered to be old include Nubia, which is located in present-day Sudan; Khartoum, which is located in Sudan; and Gondar, which is located in Ethiopia. Each of these cities has a rich history that dates back thousands of years.

Ancient Egyptian Cities

Ancient Egyptian cities were some of the most advanced and well-developed cities of their time. Their architecture, sanitation systems, and religious beliefs are still admired today. The first Egyptian cities were founded around 3300 BC. At this time, Egypt was divided into four regions: the North, the South, the East, and the West. The city of Memphis in the South was the oldest and most important city of the West. Memphis was founded by the ancient Egyptians after they had settled in the region from their original homeland in Africa. The ancient Egyptians were skilled builders and engineers. They designed and built many impressive structures, including pyramids, tombs, and temples. They also developed a system of writing that is still used today. Egyptian cities were very prosperous during their time. Their economy was based on trade and agriculture. They also exported gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and other valuable items to other parts of the world. However, Egyptian cities did not last forever. As time passed, they fell victim to attacks from rival tribes and invaders from outside Egypt. Many were destroyed or abandoned over time. Only a few remain to this day, such as Memphis and Alexandria in Egypt.

Empires, Trade and Cities

Africa is home to some of the oldest cities in the world. Some of these cities date back to before the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Africa’s oldest city, Lagash, was founded around 2300 BC. Africa’s empires played a major role in shaping the history of its cities. African empires were responsible for bringing new trade routes and technologies to the continent. This led to the development of new cities and trade networks. For example, Alexandria, Egypt was founded by Alexander the Great as a center for trade and commerce. As Africa’s economies began to grow more prosperous, so did its cities. Cities became centers of education, culture, and politics. African leaders often built their palaces and mansions in the heart of their city centers. This helped to create a strong sense of identity for each city. Today, Africa’s oldest cities continue to thrive as economic hubs and centers of culture. They are a testament to the power of Africa’s empires and the persistence of its cities.

Christianity and the Rise of 29 Newest African Cities

Christianity is the main religion practiced in 29 of Africa’s oldest cities. Christianity first arrived on the continent in the early centuries AD, and it quickly spread through missionary work. Today, Christianity remains the dominant religion in many of these cities. Some of the oldest Christian cities in Africa are found in West and Central Africa. These include Nairobi (Kenya), Accra (Ghana), Dakar (Senegal), and Monrovia (Liberia). Other important Christian cities include Lagos (Nigeria) and Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo). Many of these cities were founded by European colonialists as part of their efforts to control African territories. Others were founded by African traders who sought to establish trading posts in strategic locations. Today, Christianity remains the main religion practiced in many of these cities. The majority of residents are Christians, although there is also a significant population of Muslims and animists. There is a strong sense of community among Christians in these cities, and many churches serve as primary sources of social support.


The oldest cities in Africa date back millions of years and are some of the most venerable and influential settlements on the continent. From Ancient Egypt to The Niger Bend, these ancient African cities have had a significant impact on world culture and history. In this article, we will take a look at the origins of the oldest African cities and their importance to both the Africans themselves and to the rest of humanity.