Hotels Travel Tips Where to Stay

Realities Of A Hotel Industry In Canada

Canada’s hotel industry is currently facing a lot of challenges such as human capital shortages, guest experience, and the changing travel landscape. In this article, the author outlines how some Canadian businesses are finding innovative solutions for these challenges by using new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) to offer a greater level of customer service.

The Canadian hotel industry and its challenges

Hotels are one of the most important industries in Canada. They generate billions of dollars for the country annually and employ tens of thousands of people. However, the hotel industry is also facing a number of challenges. Here are four of the biggest ones: 1. The Canadian dollar is weak vs. other currencies. This makes it expensive for hotels to bring in international guests, and it makes it difficult for them to compete with other businesses in their marketplaces. 2. There is a shortage of rooms in many parts of the country. This has led to increased competition, and some hotels have had to reduce their rates in order to remain competitive. 3. The advent of Airbnb has made it difficult for hotels to make money from short-term rentals. This has caused some hotels to lose money, and others to adopt new strategies in order to stay afloat. 4. Regulations are constantly changing, which can make it difficult for hotels to keep up with updated standards and guidelines.

Demand for tourism since the recession

Since the recession, the Canadian hotel industry has seen a surge in demand. According to the Canadian Hotel and Lodging Association (CHLA), there was a 2.9% increase in room nights sold from 2013 to 2014. This is primarily due to an increase in leisure travel by Canadians. The CHLA reports that the majority of visitors to Canada are tourists, accounting for 66% of all overnight stays in 2014. The organization attributes this increase to a number of factors, including low oil prices and increased international trade. The hospitality sector is one of the most important contributors to Canada’s economy, employing more than 300,000 people across the country. In order to keep up with demand, hotels are working to renovate and expand their properties. Some have even begun offering deals such as two-for-one rooms and free breakfast for guests who book online.

Recruiting new workforce

Canada’s hotel industry is facing a number of challenges as it looks to recruit new workers. One issue is the lack of available jobs in the hospitality industry, which has resulted in a decline in the number of applicants. While many hotels are still hiring, they are having trouble finding candidates with the right skills and experience. One way that hotels are trying to address this issue is by focusing on recruiting Indigenous people and immigrants. This is because these groups have been disproportionally impacted by the downturn in the economy. In addition, hotels are looking for candidates who are bilingual and have experience working in customer service. Another challenge that hotels are facing is the fact that many of their employees are aging out of the workforce. This means that they need to find new workers who are able to handle different types of jobs and who have a good sense of customer service. Despite these challenges, there are still opportunities available for qualified candidates. If you want to work in the hotel industry, you should consider applying online or attending job fairs.

What are the key elements of a positive employee experience?

To create a positive employee experience, hotels must provide employees with a variety of tools and resources to help them flourish in their roles. These tools and resources can include access to training and development programs, company-wide policies and procedures, as well as proper communication channels. Additionally, hotels must create an environment that is supportive and encourages creativity and innovation.

Tips to keep your employees happy and productive

There are a few things that can keep your employees happy and productive in the hotel industry. Here are three tips to help you out: 1. Make sure you have a good work/life balance. Too many people work all day and then come home to nothing else but their computer screens, which can be really unhealthy. Make sure your employees have time for themselves, their families, and their hobbies outside of work. 2. Take care of your employees’ health and welfare. This goes beyond just providing them with healthy food, but also ensuring they are properly clothed and have access to clean water and restrooms. If something is wrong with one of your employees (e.g., they’ve been hurt at work), take care of them as best you can. It will show them that you respect them and appreciate their contributions to the team. 3. Offer your employees incentives to stay with you for long periods of time. This could be anything from paid vacation days to bonuses on top of their regular salaries. The key is to make sure that the benefits are significant enough to outweigh the hassle of looking for another job elsewhere should they decide they want to leave at some point in the future (or

Future of the hotel industry in Canada

The hotel industry in Canada is constantly adapting to the ever-changing needs of guests. Whether it’s developing new technologies to keep guests happy or renovating aging properties, many hotels are working hard to stay ahead of the curve. Here are five trends that will shape the future of the Canadian hotel industry.


As a small business owner, it’s important to keep abreast of the latest industry trends. And one trend that businesses in the hotel industry should be aware of is the rise in online booking and travel. According to The Canadian Press, “the number of searches for ‘hotel’ on Google has increased by more than 100 per cent over the past five years.” This increase in online bookings has had a major impact on the hotel industry, which is why it’s important for small businesses to have a strategy for dealing with online bookers.